Diwata (Goddess) Benefactor $10,000
- 20 VIP tickets
- Logo on stage, eblasts, flyer, poster, FWN/V-Day website/Link to your home page
Cover Page Package:
- Option to be on the Cover Page of the V-Diaries (FWN approval required)
- a Full page color ad (8.5”W x 9”H)
- 2-page story feature
Dakila (Shero, Eminent) Sponsor $5,000
- Full page color ad (8.5”W x 9”H)
- 14 VIP tickets
- Logo on stage, eblasts, FWN/V-Day website/Link to your home page
Magtanggol (Warrior) Sponsor $3,500
- Half page color ad (8.5”W x 4.5”H)
- 12 VIP tickets, logo on eblasts
- WN/V-Day website/Link to your home page
Advertising in v-diaries: ANTI-VIOLENCE RESOURCE GUIDE
SPONSOR A - $350
1/8 page b/w ad, 4”W x 2”H + 2 Dress Circle tix
SPONSOR B - $450
1/8 page color ad, 4”W x 2”H + 4 Dress Circle tix
SPONSOR C - $550
1/4 page b/w ad, 4”W x 4.25”H + 6 orchestra tix
SPONSOR D - $750
1/4 page color ad, 4”W x 4.25”H + 8 orchestra tix
SPONSOR E - $1050
1/2 page b/w ad, 8.5”W x 4.5”H or 4”W x 9”H + 10 orchestra tix
SPONSOR F - $1,450
1/2 page color ad, 8.5”W x 4.5”H or 4”W x 9”H+ 12 orchestra tix
VIP Seats - Box seats $100 each
Sponsor G - $50 or more
Sponsor a cast/crew member. Gift in their honor.
Sponsor M - $38 each
Sponsor a domestic violence shelter resident/s and/or domestic violence agency staff member/s
Sample ads:
Supporters of V-Diaries: Anti-Violence Resource Guide
Bambi Lorica
Heidi Pervin Yamaguchi