Michele Bumgarner

ASK A FILIPINA: #6 DISRUPT Leadership Tip From Michele Bumgarner, INDYCAR Race Driver, Global FWN100™ '13

Michele Bumgarner

"Follow Your Heart. It may sound simple, but sometimes people try and talk you out of your dreams that to them may seem crazy. When your heart says “go,” do not let anyone stop you. No matter how many “no’s,” how many hurdles, how much time it may take, do not stop. Just do not stop. You will never be who you are meant to be, if you do not follow your heart!"

- Michele Bumgarner


To order all three editions of DISRUPT. Filipina Women: Proud. Loud. Leading Without A Doubt., go to:

http://amzn.to/1arFT7x — download Kindle edition ($2.99 if purchased with the Amazon edition)
http://amzn.to/1AybRbV — Amazon print edition
http://www.ffwn.org/event-876425 — FIRST EDITION (collector's copy, full color) - limited quantities, while supplies last!

ASK A FILIPINA: Leadership Tip from Michele Bumgarner, Professional Race Car Driver (Global FWN100™ '13)

ASK A FILIPINA: Leadership Tip from Michele Bumgarner, Professional Race Car Driver (Global FWN100™ '13)

As for working in a man’s world, allow femininity to be an asset... Women build consensus. We pull together to solve problems and on a race team, that is a helpful skill. Racing is a team sport, but the driver is the team leader. So it is important to be firm, but by doing so with a smile, it makes it hard for people to tell you, “No.” -Michele Bumgarner, Professional Race Car Driver, Global FWN100™ '13

Order the first book in the Filipina Women Leadership Book Series. DISRUPT 1.0: Filipina Women: Proud. Loud. Leading Without a Doubt.