ePahayagan #303 - Curated News from Foundation for Filipina Women’s Network

More than 25,000 deaths. Nearly 106,000 wrecked buildings. In between these numbers, countless dreams are stopped in the dead tracks of Syria and Turkey. Survivors scrape through remnants of hope to continue or start over.

During this great loss, let us not remain a bystander who only glances over the news and turns a blind eye to suffering.

Be it directly or indirectly, let our everyday action be a conscious effort to be of help — one way or another. We are each other’s support system, after all.

May this week’s list of news be a motivating force for you.

Your ePahayagan editor,


FWN In The News

Important Events For Women

Did You Know?

ACTION . . .

Give if you can. Donate to the victims of the Syria-Turkey earthquake. Here’s a donor site.