Filipina Women in Tech: VizKidz Educates Kids in Data Visualization

Filipina Women in Tech: VizKidz Educates Kids in Data Visualization

Vizkidz Publishing LLC is co-founded by Filipina-American Designer Abigail Ricarte and Norwegian-American Data Journalist Liv Buli. Together, the pair has created a series of children’s books that illustrate the basic concepts of data visualization. They recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowd-source funding for the initial print, publishing, and distribution of the first book in the series: “Penelope Pie Throws A Pizza Party.”

Learn more about Vizkidz:

DID YOU KNOW? Pre-Colonial Philippines’ Longstanding Tradition of Women Leadership and Mysticism

DID YOU KNOW? Pre-Colonial Philippines’ Longstanding Tradition of Women Leadership and Mysticism

A recent trip to Manila and Cebu left me wondering what the contemporary feminist movement looks like in the Philippines. My research unexpectedly led me to learn about a deep-seated tradition of women's leadership in the Philippines.

BOOK REVIEW Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race by Anthony Ocampo

BOOK REVIEW Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race by Anthony Ocampo

Questions of identity are integral to young Filipino-Americans struggling to assert and find their voice in the 21st century. Books like Anthony Ocampo’s The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race and E.J.R. David’s Brown Skin, White Minds: Filipino-American Postcolonial Psychology demonstrate a profound shift to centralize the narrative around the Filipino-American experience as we face the population growth of our community in the U.S.

Women on a Mission: A Nomadic Journey Through Frozen Siberia

Women on a Mission: A Nomadic Journey Through Frozen Siberia

Writer Christine Amour Levar, along with eight other women from Women On a Mission (WOAM), embarked on an epic journey with the Nenet people of the Yamal Peninsula, the world's oldest surviving nomads during a portion of their yearly migration across the frozen gulf of Ob in northern Russia. 

The Legacy My Lolo Gave Me by Stephanie Lomibao (Global FWN100™ '15)

The Legacy My Lolo Gave Me by Stephanie Lomibao (Global FWN100™ '15)

The Legacy My Lolo Gave Me
By Stephanie Lomibao (Global FWN100™ '15)

"My Lolo has given me a legacy that forms the foundation for who I am as a professional. I’m first generation Filipino-American. My mom came to the U.S. with her family of 11 when she was very young after my grandfather (pictured) served in WWII. It is my mother’s father that I pay tribute to through this article. The stories he told, the life he lived, and the traditions he passed down stay vivid with me to this day. Here are his top ten lessons."

BALITA: 17 year-old Filipina-Canadian Inventor Ann Makosinski “Flashlight Girl” Shines Bright

BALITA: 17 year-old Filipina-Canadian Inventor Ann Makosinski “Flashlight Girl” Shines Bright

Ann Makosinski is a Victoria-based Canadian student inventor who made headlines two years ago for her invention of a body-heat powered flashlight when she was just 15. Last year, she developed a hands-free headlamp version of her initial concept and went on to win the Google Science Fair in 2013 for both versions. Her latest invention, the e-Drink, harnesses energy from the heat of hot drinks to power electronic devices.