Total Population
US residents, 2016 (Alone or in combo): 4,089,570
US residents, 2016 (Alone): 2,920,160
Population Growth
Population growth 2000-2016 (Alone): 57.8%
Population growth 2000-2016 (Alone or in combo): 23.5%
Population growth 2010-2016 (Alone): 14.3%
Population growth 2010-2016 (Alone or in combo): 14.5%
Age Distribution
Share of age group 0-17: 16.3%
Share of age group 18-49: 47.3%
Share of age group 50-64: 21.1%
Share of age group over 65: 15.2%
Top States by Resident Population
1 California (1,299,922)
2 Hawaii (220,315)
3 Texas (146,320)
4 Nevada (129,739)
5 Illinois (124,649)
Total population in States: 1,920,945
Bachelor's degree or higher: 48.7%
High school degree or equivalent: 15.2%
Less than a high school degree: 6.7%
Income & Poverty
Share in poverty overall: 6.5%
Share of seniors in poverty: 7.7%
Share of children in poverty: 6.4%
Political Participation
Party identification:
(percent Democrat/Republican/neither): 52/30/17
Turnout among registered voters: 88.1%
Vote in 2016 (percent Clinton/Trump): 70/30
Most common languages among those who speak language other than English at home Tagalog: (1,925,710)
Limited English proficiency, or LEP: 21.3%
Speak language other than English at home: 65.1%
Share of residents who are citizens: 80.2%
Share of residents who are adult citizens: 65.8%
Share of residents who are immigrant or foreign born: 65.2%
Share of foreign born/immigrants who arrived 2000 or later: 42.5%
Share of foreign born/immigrants who are citizens: 69.6%
Health Insurance
Share without health insurance: 6.3%
Share with private health insurance: 78.2%
Share of home owners: 64.9%
Sources (Estimate)
Total Population Bureau of the Census, 2018 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates tables B01003, B02011, B02012, B02016, B02015, B02018, B02019
Population Growth Bureau of the Census, 2018 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates tables B01003, B02011, B02012, B02016, B02015, B02018, B02019; Bureau of the Census, 2010 Census Summary File 1 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2011), table PCT5, PCT7, PCT8, PCT10; Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census Summary File 1 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2001), table PCT005, PCT007, PCT008, PCT010
Top States Bureau of the Census, 2018 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates tables B01003, B02011, B02012, B02016, B02015, B02018, B02019
Education Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates
Income and Poverty Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates
Political Participation NAAS Post-Election Survey 2016, Bureau of the Census Current Population Survey (CPS) 2016
Language Bureau of the Census, 2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates tables C16001, B16005D, B16005E; Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates; For some ethnic groups, there are no accurate counts of each detailed languages, a few languages are grouped together. Language Chinese include Mandarin Chinese, Yue Chinese (Cantonese) and Min Nan Chinese (incl. Taiwain); Language Tagalog include Tagalog and Filipino. for more details, please refer to
Nativity Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates
Health Insurance Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates
Homeownership Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates
Age Distribution Bureau of the Census, Analysis of PUMS Data ACS 5-Year Estimates
** A Project of AAPI Data
Filipina Summit 2011 (San Francisco)