Pictured L-R: Trisha Marco (FWN member), Charina Vergara (Global FWN100™ '16) and Raissa Alvero (Fellow, FWN)
Filipina Women's Network recently exhibited at the Philippine International Aid (PIA) Giving Hope to the Children 2016 benefit at the Hyatt Embarcadero in San Francisco this past Sunday, October 2 to connect with FWN Members, introduce its 2nd book on Filipina women leadership, DISRUPT 2.0: Filipina Women: Daring to Lead, Pinay Speed FEMtoring and all its awesome programs for Filipina women professionals and entrepreneurs.
Charina Vergara (Global FWN100™ '16), Marketing Manager of Island Pacific Supermarket, stopped by for a quick picture and hello. Catch FWN and Charina at DISRUPTing San Diego next Thursday, Oct. 13. Hurry! Limited seating. Register now.