A World of Thanks from the Filipina Women's Network Board of Directors!

FWN exists to empower Filipina women worldwide. We continue the work we do with your support and encouragement. We thank you for believing in our purpose and organizational meaning.

Whether it's sending us inspiring messages, clicking our eblasts to increase FWN's internet presence, liking or sharing our posts on Facebook, retweeting our tweets, sharing your story of achievement, sponsoring the annual summit (next year, the #FWNSummit2017 is in Toronto!), funding FWN's V-Diaries Anti-Violence Resource Guide or spreading the gift of #GlobalPinayPower with a Filipina Women Leadership Book donation to your neighborhood library or school, YOUR contribution amplifies Filipina women's voices and maximizes our impact worldwide.

Believe in FWN on November 29 by giving back or paying forward your blessings via #GivingTuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  Click here to donate in your honor or a loved at FWN's #GivingTuesday.