How do you say good-bye to a Remarkable Filipina Woman? - Celynne Layug, Trade Commissioner, Philippine Trade & Investment Center


Join FWN sisters and friends in wishing Celynne "Bon voyage!" Share your tribute to her accomplishments in uplifting San Francisco and Silicon Valley businesses.

Do you have a story to share? How Celynne -

  • Helped you start a business in the Philippines?

  • Provided you with resources that advanced your project?

  • Connected you with someone you would not know about and became a mentor, a guide, a friend?

  • Made your business easier to operate?

Lunch with us and take the time to thank her. Life is too short, so take time to thank someone who paved the way for you. Celynne is a valuable contact you want to keep wherever in the world you may be. - Click here to RSVP or use the QR code.

With joy,

Marily Mondejar and the FWN Board.