OPPORTUNITY: Journalism Fellowship And Scholarship - JUNE 7 DEADLINE

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Funded by the Marguerite Casey Foundation, this offers a new opportunity for emerging and established journalists from ethnic and mainstream media who cover issues on poverty.

The fellowship aims to expand and increase the public’s understanding of poverty in the United States. Nearly 50 million Americans are struggling at or below the poverty line. That means there are 50 million stories to be told from different perspectives.

Journalists can apply for an Equal Voice Journalism Fellowship and write at least one in-depth story or a series of stories that illustrate how language, culture and race influence public attitudes and policy about the poor. 

Selected journalists will receive a stipend of $2,250, plus up to $1,000 in travel reimbursement. College-enrolled student journalists may also apply for the Equal Voice Scholarship, which offers $500 and up to $800 for travel. 

Now think about the best medium in which to tell your story: video, audio, photography, text/print, graphics — or multimedia. Find an outlet that will agree to publish/distribute your story. 

Applicants will need:
1. An essay articulating your project/idea
2. Resume/List of positions, accomplishments and awards
3. Letter of commitment from a publisher/editor or support letter from campus media
4. A letter of recommendation
5. Permanent links to work samples/recent content you have produced

Deadline to submit your application is June 7th. No applications submitted after June 13, 2015, will be considered. Click here to access the application form. 

Marguerite Casey Foundation is dedicated to creating a movement of working families advocating on their own behalf for change. They strive to bring humility and hope to their work. Their actions are guided by the firm belief that significant positive change is not only possibly, but absolutely necessary.

For more information on the fellowship, please contact Anthony Advincula at 