A memorable highlight of the #FWNSummit2015 was Melissa Orquiza's inspirational Leadership Keynote at the FWN Global FWN100™ Awards Ceremony on October 30, 2015 at the Marines Memorial Club and Hotel during the 12th Filipina Leadership Summit. She passionately urged her fellow awardees to lead change and elevate the "Filipina voice" in their respective professions and industries. She eloquently described the challenges of Filipinos in classical music and the under-representation of the Filipino community in Hollywood and the film and music industries.
Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15) is a distinguished composer and musician for Walt Disney Studios. A significant original song writing credit is the "McFarland, USA", a film starring Kevin Costner. FWN selects annually two awardees for the Leadership and Acceptance Keynotes to represent the year's awardee groups. The Acceptance Keynote was delivered by Myrna Tang Yao from the Philippines.
Watch the video and read the transcript of her memorable keynote at the Global FWN100™ Awards Gala 2015 here.