Ana Bel Mayo was named one of the Most Influential Filipina Women in the World (Global FWN100™ '16) in the Behind the Scenes Leader category in recognition of her social justice advocacy of Filipinos in diaspora in Italy. She was honored this past August in Cebu during the #FWNSummit2016. Image credit: Vita.IT
Originally published in Italian. Article translated by GoogleTranslate and edited:
Ana Bel has lived in Milan, Italy for 28 years. She is currently active in several associations in the Inzago territory, north of Milan, in support of the local Filipino community as well as the larger Milanese community. Her passion for volunteering for social causes blossomed in 2009 after participating in the course of Migrant Associations and Philippine Institutions for Development (MAPID) training, organized by Fondazione ISMU.
Anabel Mayo, 55, was born in the island of Luzon, Philippines and now lives in Inzago, Milan. She was awarded the the Global FWN100 ™ Award 2016, an annual international award recognizing the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women™ in the world by Filipina Women's Network
Mayo registered for MAPID - Migrant Associations and Philippine Institutions for Development, organized by the Foundation ISMU within the homonymous project promoted by the Scalabrini Migration Centre and co-financed by the European Commission in 2009. The project has promoted the capacity building of Filipino associations in Italy, Spain and Philippine institutions, while facilitating their cross-border collaboration in order to strengthen their role as agents of co-development between Europe and Southeast Asia.
Mayo, a mother of two, was recognized for her social commitment in the Behind the Scenes category by the Filipina Women's Network. The incredulity of Anabel on receiving news of the award winning goes hand in hand with gratitude: "Thanks to MAPID, I have laid the foundation for my growth as a volunteer engaged in social work, for the promotion of intercultural dialogue and integration. I thank also the municipalities Inzago, Cassano d'Adda and Milan, with whom I made targeted projects such as the Filipino community in general and the Italian immigrant population residing in the province of Milan. "
Today Mayo is the councillor and treasurer of the association and president of the World Cities of the World Adda colors, a member of the Council of Volunteers of the City of Inzago and an active member of the Filipina Women Network. Even after receiving the recognition, her goal remains to continue working tirelessly to shape a positive image of the Filipino population in Italy: "The Filipino migrants are a mine of culture and human capital, not only an army of domestic workers," she beams.
News story from Vita.IT