Ambrose Recreation and Park District

Elections 2014 Review: Mae Cendaña Torlakson re-elected to Ambrose Rec & Park District Board

Mae Cendaña Torklakson

Mae Cendaña Torklakson

BE PROUD Part 5: First time in FWN herstory: FWN members and FWN100™ Awardees who ran during the November 2014 cycle - for assembly representatives, district judge, city councils and school board elections all WON their seats.  This is just the beginning - watch these amazing women RISE!  Drum roll, please.

Re-Elected: Mae Cendaña Torlakson, US FWN100™ '11, to the Ambrose California Recreation and Park District Board, where she has served 8 years including 3 years as the Chair of the Board. 

Her accomplishments include obtaining funds for the improvements of Ambrose Park,  fighting for the opening of their 149-acre waterfront park and increasing after-school, teen and other recreational services at both their recreation center and parks, to name a few.

The one thing that nobody would guess about Mae is that she wrote stories and scripts for Filipino action films. 

Keep going, Mae!