Call for Abstracts

For FWN100™ Awardees Only: Call for Abstracts: DISRUPT 2.0

For FWN100™ Awardees Only: Call for Abstracts:  DISRUPT 2.0

This is a call for abstracts for the next book on Filipina Global Leadership. The book builds on the FWN’s first leadership book titled “DISRUPT. Filipina Women: Proud. Loud. Leading without a Doubt.” launched in October 2014. Go to  for more info.  Key themes for individual chapters include disruptions in your life that you have overcome and disruptions that you have initiated; leadership competencies you developed for yourself, for leading others, and your organization; and, legacy building for the next generation.  A synthesis chapter will pull together key themes and make recommendations for aspiring leaders and thought leaders in the sectors represented.  

This CALL for Abstracts is for U.S. and Global FWN100™ Awardees (2007-2015) and are in good membership standing with the Filipina Women's Network.

To join or renew your FWN member dues, please go to before you submit an abstract: