FWN Members and #FilipinaDISRUPTERS bond at Geary's Beverly Hills for an afternoon of champagne and #GlobalPinayPower celebrations last Saturday, December 7. Pictured (L-R): Sonia Delen (U.S. FWN100™ '07), Vina Lustado (Global FWN100™ '15),Rocio Nuyda (U.S. FWN100™ '12, Global FWN100™ '16), Charina Vergara (Global FWN100™ '16), Rosario Cajucom-Bradbury (Global FWN100™ '16), Benel Se-Liban (U.S. FWN100™ '11), Melissa Orquiza (Global FWN100™ '15), Jacqueline D. Yu (U.S. FWN100™ '12), Melissa Ramoso (Global FWN100™ '14), Marily Mondejar (Founder & CEO, Filipina Women's Network), Francine Maigue (Global FWN100™ '15).
2017, Here We Come! Mark Your Calendar to attend FWN 2017 Events
Wanna be connected? Make a resolution to connect with Filipina women and your FWN sisters in the New Year! RSVP now for exciting upcoming FWN events: DISRUPTing San Jose-Silicon Valley (Jan. 7 in San Jose). Register now: http://ffwn.org/event-2374277, FWN outing to San Francisco's Legion of Honor to visit Madeleine Albright's Pin Collection (Jan. 28 in San Francisco). Register now: http://www.ffwn.org/event-2409139, and the highly-anticipated Filipina Summit Kick-Off and DISRUPT 2.0 Book Reading in Toronto, Canada (Mar. 24 in Toronto). Register now: http://www.ffwn.org/event-2409139
Check back on the FWN event calendar for more updates.
WooHoo! Los Angeles Press Club Honors Janet Nepales (U.S. FWN100™ '12, Global FWN100™ '13) with National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award
Janet Susan R. Nepales (U.S. FWN100™ '12, Global FWN100™ '13) won third place in the recently-held Los Angeles Press Club's Ninth Annual National Arts & Entertainment Journalism (NAEJ) Awards. Nepales won for her article titled "Jennifer Garner on her life and its miracles" that appeared in her Hollywood Bulletin column on March 16, 2016.
WooHoo! Marie Claire Lim Moore (Global FWN100™ '13) presents at TEDx WanChai on "Why Asia Needs More Tiger Women"
"While most regions of the world continue to face challenges in increasing women’s representation at all levels in the workplace, Asia is projected to have the lowest representation of women in management positions in 2025. In a region with so many highly educated women, how can we have so many Tiger mothers and so few Tiger women?"
Excerpt: Angelica Berrie (Global FWN100 '14) on Women and Power
"For most women around the world, the odds are stacked against us. Seventy percent of people living in extreme poverty worldwide are women. Poverty affects women the most and through them, their children. Two thirds of the world's illiterate adults are women, and only one percent of the world's women own land. In a world where women hold up half the sky by doing two thirds of the world's work, we receive only ten percent of the world's salaries. Melinda Gates was right in saying that poverty is sexist."
#ISupportLoida "The Rise of Loida Nicolas Lewis" (U.S. FWN100™ 07 and Global FWN100™ '13)
ePahayagan Editor's Note: There's been a lot of interest in Loida Nicolas Lewis lately. We think it's important on reading once again a very well researched 2007 article on the leadership qualities of Ms. Nicolas Lewis and how she has developed into becoming a strong community leader. How One Filipina Woman Steered the Course of One of the Most Successful Business Enterprises in America. "From Cheerleader to Coach" By Regina Balane, Manila, December 2007. Story from Munting Nayon.
VICTORY! President Obama Signs WWII Filipino Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015
After years of waiting, Fil-Am WWII veterans will finally be recognized for their dedicated service. On December 14, President Obama signed into law Senate Bill No. 1555 (S.1555), the "Filipino Veterans of World War II Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2015," which provides the Congressional gold medal of appropriate design on behalf of the U.S. Congress, to the Filipino Veterans of WWII.