January 31, 2019 from 6:30 PM–8:30 PM. RSVP at https://www.ffwn.org/event-3211599
Fil-Am Public Servants Unite To Build On Poll Victories
Constant collaborators Marily Mondejar and Al Perez are joining forces anew to celebrate and build on the victories of Filipino American political candidates in the recent midterm elections at a grand meeting of the Fil-Am Community Forum 6-8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 31, at the Google Community Space at 188 Embarcadero, San Francisco. Google requires a 5-day advance notice to process security badges, hence the reminder to RSVP at https://www.ffwn.org/event-3211599.
Philippine News Highlights Inspiring Filipino-Americans of 2018
Doing What You Love: Remarkable Pinay Entrepreneurs
Congress: We Need Uniform Online Consumer Rights
The Internet is full of spaces that openly objectify or demonize Filipina women and other minority groups. It’s hard to feel safe when you’re faced with the kind of hate and vitriol that exists and even thrives in some corners of the Internet. Unfortunately, the data collection activities and “privacy” policies of many tech companies are only making things worse.
Petition to Name the International Terminal at San Francisco International Airport After SF Mayor Ed Lee
Join FWN in honoring San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee in a petition to name the International Terminal at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) after him. Mayor Lee was a great friend to the Filipina Women's Network. For many years, when we held the Filipina Summit in San Francisco, he welcomed our members and FWN100 awardees with open arms to his beloved City.