How Exciting! Most Influential Filipina Women from Canada, Israel, Japan, Philippines, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States Attend Filipina Summit


The 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World Award™ honors Filipina Women who are changing the face of leadership in their local communities and in their adopted countries they now call home.

The Global FWN100™ recognizes Filipina women who have reached status for outstanding work in their respective fields and are recognized for their leadership and achievements in the global workplace and their local communities. 

The FWN100 Award™ was conceived in the United States at the 2006 Filipina Leadership Summit as a result of its Future Search and the launch of the Pinay Power 2012 Campaign.

The first U.S. FWN100™ awards were given at the 2007 Filipina Leadership Summit in Washington, DC.

In 2013, FWN launched its global search after the culmination of its Pinay Power 2012 Campaign in 2012 and kicked-off of its Pinay Power 2020 Mission: A Filipina woman leader in every sector of the global economy.

The Pinay Power 2020 Reunion will be held back in Washington DC where the FWN100™ search was launched on October 1–4, 2020.

This year, the Global FWN100™ 2015 awardees will be representing Canada, Israel, Japan, Switzerland, U.K., and U.S.A. 

Economic sectors represented include consulting services, healthcare, financial services, legal services, media, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, government & policy, retail, film, publishing.

The FINAL Awardee List will be announced at the Gala Awards Dinner and Ceremony at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit on October 30, 2015.  

Register for the summit.