ASK A FILIPINA: Leadership Tip from Michele Bumgarner, Professional Race Car Driver (Global FWN100™ '13)

ASK A FILIPINA: Leadership Tip from Michele Bumgarner, Professional Race Car Driver (Global FWN100™ '13)

As for working in a man’s world, allow femininity to be an asset... Women build consensus. We pull together to solve problems and on a race team, that is a helpful skill. Racing is a team sport, but the driver is the team leader. So it is important to be firm, but by doing so with a smile, it makes it hard for people to tell you, “No.” -Michele Bumgarner, Professional Race Car Driver, Global FWN100™ '13

Order the first book in the Filipina Women Leadership Book Series. DISRUPT 1.0: Filipina Women: Proud. Loud. Leading Without a Doubt.