What’s going on
On Friday, November 8, 2013, Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) hit the Philippines, leaving thousands displaced, dead and missing, and millions affected.
Typhoon Yolanda is the strongest storm ever recorded and has been described to be equivalent to a category 5 hurricane.
Official Gazette (Philippine government journal that aggregates all kinds of information relevant to Typhoon Yolanda)—http://www.gov.ph/crisis-response/updates-typhoon-yolanda/Typhoon Yolanda Hashtags
DSWD Disaster Mitigation and Response Situation Map—http://disaster.dswd.gov.ph/maps.php
How to find loves ones
Google’s Person Finder allows you to search for someone or provide information about someone. http://www.google.org/crisisresponse/2013-yolanda. html
The Philippine Red Cross is offering a tracing service to help you locate them. Simply fill out the form with your loved one’s name, age, and other important information.
Complete their RFL and Tracing form online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16aq0AH-OnEE_bM53iL5qInqHPZ28lntEXPs-rS01a88/viewform
Or contact the PRC Social Services Department:
Email: sos@redcross.org.ph, zenaida. beltejar@redcross.org.ph, lyn. garcia@redcross.org.ph, kenneth. dimalibot@redcross.org.ph, opcen@redcross.org.ph
Mobile: 09175328500
Landline: 5270000 loc. 126, 5270867
Twitter: @philredcross @justcallmelloyd @ilovemishang @lynvgarcia or use the #TracingPH
To search via mobile, text 2662999 (Globe), 4664999 (SMART), 22020999 (Sun), or +16508003977 with the message Search [name]. For example, to search for Joshua, text Search Joshua.
For information about evacuation & relief sites visit the Google Crisis Map by visiting http://bit.ly/1b8d6B7
What you can do
The devastation caused by the typhoon is astounding and heart-wrenching. The time is now to support the victims. Any amount you are able to donate will help. Many organizations are mobilizing and raising funds to provide water, food, and relief kits, and with YOUR help the victims of Typhoon Yolanda can rise up again.
Friends of FWN who are asking how to HELP—please send donations to http://feedthehungryphil.org/philippines-typhoon-appeals/—and indicate FWN/Tacloban.
Feed the Hungry Philippines (FTH) has been vetted by Charles Schwab and one of its board members, Gloria T. Caoile, is a valued FWN member.
Appeal from Marily—Please note on the donation—Tacloban/FWN, if you like. It’s where I was born and raised and my brother lives there. FWN members, Judge Moss and Imelda Cuyugan are also from Tacloban and FWN board member Maya Ong Escudero’s brother had to walk miles to Samar to seek relief.
Feed the Hungry Philippines was organized by World Bank’s Filipino employees and have been doing relief and rehabilitation efforts for many years. Send donations to http://feedthehungryphil.org/philippines-typhoon-appeals/.
More Ways to Send Help
Philippine Red Cross: donate at http://ushare.redcross.org.ph/
AT&T wireless customers can text “AID” to the short codes listed below to give a $10 donation. No text message fees apply. Text codes listed below. Visit http://soc.att.com/17n3AFX for more info.
50555 to give $10 to Operation USA
80077 to give $10 to HOPE Worldwide
27722 to give $10 to World Food Program USA
80108 to give $10 to The mGive Foundation Philippines Typhoon Relief Fund (U. S. State Department Campaign)
V-DAY—RISE for the Philippines: donate at http://bit.ly/1a2kiyu
V-Fund benefits women & men on the ground immediately, 100% of donations go directly these efforts via GABRIELA and Gabriela Women’s Party.
18MR with the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON): donate at https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/18mr_typhoon
100% of funds goes to national grassroots relief and rehabilitation organizations (broad church-based organizations, schools, disaster response NGOs, and individuals)
Doctors Without Borders: donate at http://bit.ly/1805TCA
Due to overwhelming support, designate donations to Doctors Without Borders’ Emergency Response Fund.
Habitat for Humanity: Help Re-Build Philippines: donate at http://www.give2habitat.org/philippines/ReBuildPhilippines
Habitat for Humanity Philippines is raising funds to provide Cleaning Kits to 50,000 families, Shelter Repair Kits to 30,000 families and 10,000 Core Houses.
ABS-CBN International Foundation: donate at http://www.abs-cbnfoundation.com/#donate
mGive Foundation (for U. S. donors): donate at http://bit.ly/18pDlyO
mGive is collecting donations from U. S. wireless subscribers. Text “AID” to 80108 to give a $10 donation.
Gawad Kalinga USA: donate at http://gk-usa.org/donations/
Immediate goal is to send 200,000 food packs for the flood relief victims. Food packs will only cost $5 each and will allow victims to feed their families for 3-4 days while waiting for government help.
Network for Good—Support Typhoon Haiyan Relief: donate at https://donate.networkforgood.org/disaster
Choose a charity to donate to through Network for Good. Donate easily via an online form.
All Hands Volunteers: donate at http://hands.org/philippines/
Apply to volunteer to help measure the damage in the Philippines.
Oxfam International: donate at https://donate.oxfam.org.uk/emergency/philippines
Oxfam is working on assessing the extent of damage and deploying water and sanitation materials to the victims.
UNICEF—Typhoon Yolanda Emergency Appeal: donate at http://donate.unicef.ph/campaign/24/typhoon-yolanda-emergency-appeal
Unicef is providing water, hygiene supplies, and child-friendly spaces in evacuation centers.
Caritas Australia: donate at http://www.caritas.org.au/learn/emergency-response/typhoon-haiyan-aid-response
Caritas Australia is dedicated to providing disaster relief and fighting poverty. They are working on providing clean water, sanitation, and household relief.
Other Ways to Support Typhoon Relief Efforts
Follow @TyphoonHaiyan on Twitter—Get the latest updates, breaking news, alerts, and information on Super Typhoon #Haiyan (Yolanda).
MicroMappers—Tag Your Tweets—Tag your tweets to show support for Typhoon Yolanda Relief Efforts in the Philippines.